During August 2023, FIU Law’s faculty authors and publications were read in 126 countries and by scholars from 378 institutions worldwide. This scholarly impact resulted in 5,711 downloads of legal scholarship last month and contributed to 7,360 total citations to all publications. Here are the authors, series, publications and activities impact:
Our Series and Publications
Faculty Scholarship
FIU Law Review
Special Collections
Recent Publications
Thoams E. Baker, et al, First Amendment Law: Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion, 5th ed, 2023 Supplement.
Tawia B. Ansah, An Open Grave: The Kigali Memorial and The Aesthetics of Memorialization, in IN THE SHADOW OF GENOCIDE: JUSTICE AND MEMORY WITHIN RWANDA (Stephanie Wolfe, Matthew B. Kane, & Tawia B. Ansah eds., Routledge, 2023).
Activities & Events
Featured as an expert in WalletHub’s recent article about High Yield Savings Accounts.
Lisa Davis
Interviewed by LexisNexis on Why Law Librarians Matter: Fostering Equity in Legal Research for Law Students and Faculty.
Prof. Ediberto Roman
Featured on the first two episodes of “Lawcast,” PantherNow’s new legal podcast focusing on local, state and national cases. He joins editor-in-chief Diego Diaz and Emmy award-winning journalist and FIU Law alumnus Willard Shepard. The two episodes discuss the basics of the Trump indictments and their legal and political backgrounds.
Readership Distribution
Digital Commons
Thomas E. Baker, The Impropriety of Expert Witness Testimony on the Law
Megan A. Fairlie, Miranda and Its (More Rights-Protective) International Counterparts
M. C. Mirow, Visions of Cadiz: The Constitution of 1812 in Historical and Constitutional Thought
Thomas E. Baker, A Primer on Precedent in the Eleventh Circuit
FIU Law in FIU News
FIU Law leaps in U.S. News rankings: FIU Law climbed 38 spots to rank No. 60 among the nation’s law schools (No. 32 among public schools), according to U.S. News and World Report rankings.