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 HeinOnline now provides current content for the Columbia Law Review.


Vol. 1#1 (2020)

Published by Dublin City University

The Dublin Law & Politics Review is run by an editorial board consisting of PhD students, Masters students, and undergraduates with an advisory board made up of Professors of Law from Dublin City University. Their mission is to promote academic discussion and development to increase student involvement in the community. The Review discusses current issues in law and politics from an interdisciplinary approach in an accessible way for all.


Vols. 63-69 (2013-2020)

Published by Emory University Law School

The mission of the Emory Law Journal Online is to expand on the academic goals of the Emory Law Journal by publishing high quality, but shorter pieces of legal scholarship than those published in the print journal. The student-edited online journal provides a forum for publishing timely articles more rapidly than a traditional print journal in order to provide the legal community with thoughtful and relevant commentary on new developments and trends in the law. Articles published in Emory Law Journal Online can serve as valuable sources of research for scholars and practitioners.



Published by University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa

The European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies (EJPLT) is a European law scientific journal, specifically focused on privacy, with particular regard to the ever-important relation between, law and innovation, humanities, and technologies. The aim of the journal is to gather contributions on privacy issues and new technologies, thus enabling the dissemination of scientific information and research activities throughout the European Union on such fundamental topics.


Full Text: Vols. 1-23 (1992-2014)

Indexed: Vols. 1-29#6 (1992-2020)

Published by Taylor & Francis

The Journal of Child Sexual Abuse is an interdisciplinary journal that provides an essential interface for researchers, academicians, attorneys, clinicians, and practitioners. The journal advocates for increased networking in the sexual abuse field, greater dissemination of information and research, a higher priority for this international epidemic, and the development of effective assessment, intervention, and prevention programs. Divided into sections to provide clear information, it covers research issues, clinical issues, legal issues, prevention programs, case studies and brief reports, focusing on three subject groups: child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse or incest, adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse or incest, and sexual abuse or incest offenders. Research, treatment approaches and techniques, prevention, intervention, and other programs concerning any of these groups are general categories of the published articles and brief reports.



Published by Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

The Journal of Contemporary Public Law (RDPC) is a peer-edited, scientific journal that seeks to disseminate research in the area of public law through the publication of scientific articles, academic articles, book reviews, and case law analysis.


Full Text: Vols. 1-53 (1976-2014) Title Varies: Vols. 1-3 (1976-1979) as Offender Rehabilitation; Vols. 4-15 (1979-1990) as Journal of Offender Counseling, Services & Rehabilitation

Indexed:  Vols. 1-59 (1976-2020)

Published by Taylor & Francis

The Journal of Offender Rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal presenting empirical research and critical analyses of criminal justice program policies, practices, and services. The journal serves as a professional resource for practitioners, educators, and researchers who work with individuals involved in the criminal justice system and study the dynamics of rehabilitation and individual and system change. Original research using a qualitative or quantitative methodology, theoretical discussions, evaluations of program outcomes, and state-of-the-science reviews will be considered. A primary journal focus is the use of research to inform and improve correctional policies and practice, as well as articles clearly defining the theoretical and empirical basis for program models and establishing connections between research findings and needed interventions and services. Programs and services for correctional populations residing in prison, as well as in the community, are examined.


Vols. 1-12 (2001-2012) All Published

Published by Taylor & Francis

Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations provides helpful information on handling sensitive police-citizen situations. This journal presents vital information on the latest research and strategies for reducing the risks involved in suicide by cop, hostage situations, domestic disputes, and handling the mentally ill. Additionally, the journal aims to make police-citizen confrontations less perilous and the art of negotiation more fruitful. Articles are peer-reviewed by policing experts, law enforcement professionals, police psychologists, and academicians who possess practical knowledge of the field.


Full Text: Vols. 1-13 (2002-2014)

Indexed:  Vols. 1-19 #1-3 (2002-2020)

Published by Taylor & Francis

The Journal of School Violence is a multi-disciplinary, quarterly journal that publishes peer-reviewed empirical studies related to school violence and victimization. Accepting a variety of social science methodologies, this international journal explores the broad range of contemporary issues centering on violence in the school environment. These issues often include, but are not limited to, the nature, extent, prevention, and consequences of school violence for students, teachers, and staff of all manner of educational systems.


Full Text: Vols. 3-15 (2002-2014)

Indexed:  Vols. 3-21 #1-4 (2002-2020)

Published by Taylor & Francis

Police Practice and Research is a peer-reviewed journal that presents current and innovative police research as well as operational and administrative practices from around the world. Articles and reports are sought from practitioners, researchers, and others interested in developments in policing, analysis of public order, and the state of safety as it affects the quality of life everywhere. Police Practice and Research seeks to bridge the gap in knowledge that exists regarding who the police are, what they do, and how they maintain order, administer laws, and serve their communities. Attention will also be focused on specific organizational information about the police in different countries or regions. A specific goal of the editors is to improve cooperation between those who are active in the field and those who are involved in academic research, as such a relationship is essential for innovative police work. To this end, the editors encourage the submission of articles co-authored by police practitioners and researchers that will highlight a particular subject from both points of view.


Vols. 1-9 (2015-2019)

Published by Stefan cel Mare Academy

This journal aims to publish scientific research and studies developed by the institution’s scientific researchers, including teachers, PhD students, theorists, and practitioners. The main objectives of the journal include the realization of scientific research directions, raising the quality of scientific research, and developing the skills and promoting the professional knowledge of the employees of the Republic of Moldova. The journal aims to ensure a perpetual development of knowledge in the field of law, including in the direction of preventing and combating crime.


Full Text: Vols. 1-24 (1989-2014)

Indexed:  Vols. 1-30 #1-4 (1989-2020)

Published by Taylor & Francis

Women and Criminal Justice is a peer reviewed journal that is published six times per year. The journal invites articles that critically examine the issues of crime, victimization and the criminal justice system as they pertain to differences among females and males, or as they pertain to the social and cultural construction of gender. Research papers that utilize qualitative and quantitative data analysis are welcomed, as are empirical papers that relate to global concerns for women as victims, offenders, or practitioners in the field of criminal justice.

HeinOnline’s Personal Research Tool Just Got More Personal

New feature alert! Do you have favorite databases in HeinOnline that you use on a regular basis? Do you wish they were easily accessible? Well, thanks to a customer suggestion, users can now mark databases as favorites to push them to the top of their HeinOnline welcome page using their MyHein account.

New Essential Sports Law Titles Available from Hackney Publications!

Issues in collegiate and professional sports are a hot-button research topic. For several years, we have partnered with Hackney Publications, a publisher of sports periodicals, to bring relevant and exciting sports content to our users. We introduced three titles initially, and are pleased to announce the recent addition of nine new Hackney Publications.

New Issue of Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases Was Added

Volume 48 #1, the first issue of Preview of the United States Supreme Court Cases for this Supreme Court term, has been published and is now available in HeinOnline.

I Dissent: The Life and Legacy of the Incomparable Ruth Bader Ginsburg

On September 18, the nation lost one of its biggest social justice warriors, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was the second female Supreme Court Justice, after Sandra Day O’Connor, to serve on the Court, and was well known for her fiery dissents, her tireless fight for gender equality, and her ability to overcome adversity.

Everything You Need to Know About Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett

On September 26th, President Donald Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative federal appeals court judge, to succeed Ginsburg. If confirmed, Barrett would keep the number of women serving on the Court three, joining Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. She would also become the youngest member of the Court, and most importantly, she would shape a 6-3 conservative majority.

Tip of the Month

Did you know HeinOnline has a handy search tool that can be used when viewing an article in the Law Journal Library? The magnifying glass found above any article in HeinOnline gives users the ability to search the section, the page, the volume, or the title. See the example below to see where this tool can be found in the article Sexual Orientation and the Effects of Intimate Partner Violence from one of our new journals, Women and Criminal Justice.

Let’s search within this specific article for any occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Select This Section and add PTSD in the search bar.

This search will provide results that display any time that PTSD is found in the article. Users will see the search term bold-faced within the text.

Click Turn to page to view where the phrase is mentioned. For example, click Turn to page 142. This will display the page with the term highlighted in green.

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