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Executive privilege is the right of the president of the United States to keep certain information confidential from subpoenas and other oversight measures by the legislative and judicial branches of government.

To help understand this mighty but ill-defined power, HeinOnline’s new Executive Privilege database provides primary and secondary source material such as government documents from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches and related books and scholarly articles. Peruse congressional hearings, reports, memoranda, and more, as well as law review articles and books that invoke, debate, and explore instances of executive privilege from our country’s founding to the present day.

  • A comprehensive resource for primary and secondary material relating to executive privilege
  • Hundreds of congressional hearings, reports, memoranda, related scholarly articles, and other documents from all three government branches
  • Extensive metadata indexing, allowing for unique browse options and a custom search index

UNIQUE BROWSE OPTIONS Significant metadata has been extracted from the documents in this database, creating unique browse options for perusing the hundreds of available titles. In addition to browsing the index by title and author, the following unique options have been made available for this database:

Branch: Refine the document type to browse the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Controversy: Narrow down your search by more than 40 controversial events in U.S. history such as presidential tax returns, Teapot Dome, Watergate, and many more. Administration: Search across more than 20 presidents that have leveraged executive privilege during their administration. Privilege: Refine your research by the various characteristics of executive privilege, such as deliberate process privilege, immunity from civil suite while in office, presidential communications, and many more. 

CUSTOM INDEX AND INTUITIVE SEARCH RESULTS Use the custom search index to search the full text of these documents by keyword, creator/author, title, or administration. To further refine the results, limit your search to a particular date range. RELEVANT BOOKS AND SCHOLARLY ARTICLES In addition to the hundreds of government documents included in this database, find links to a wealth of related scholarly work from right within the interface. To access HeinOnline, please click here.