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Finals are almost upon us. As a helpful reminder, the FIU college of Law Library offers study aids through OverDrive.

Through the OverDrive ebook platform, you can check out ebooks from Lexis Nexis, Carolina Academic Press, and Matthew Bender publishers, as well as various law school survival texts and study aids, including the Understanding and Questions & Answers series. Based on your device and preferences, ebooks can be checked out and read on a variety of devices, including optimized formats for Android, iOS and tablets.

eBooks can be checked out for different periods based on the item . . . except for study aids that have unlimited check outs for FIU Law students! Read the OverDrive Policies under FIU Law Library’s Policies for more information (requires login with FIU credentials). Additional instructions can be viewed here.

OverDrive makes it easy to checkout, read, annotate and highlight, and return borrowed materials. Instructions on Reading eBooks can be found in the OverDrive Help section; use the drop-down menu to expand the different Help sections. Information on the various devices and reading methods are also provided. Even if you checkout a work, annotate and highlight, but then return the book, you keep your annotations and highlights, with a citation. Simply checkout and read your ebooks in OverDrive Read; your annotations and highlights will always be available under your “History & Notes” section in OverDrive.

OverDrive, Lexis Digital Library and Study Aids can be accessed through the “Quick Links” on FIU Law Library’s home page or through our eResources, linked through “Quick Links,” “Research” and “Collections.”

As always, if you have any questions or difficulty accessing OverDrive, please stop by the Information Desk or Ask Us – just use the button on the right of this screen.
