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Author Profile Pages are an excellent way to showcase and promote an author’s scholarly work. If an author has articles in HeinOnline, a basic version of his or her page will automatically be displayed. The page provides the author’s articles and ScholarCheck statistics, and can be augmented to include a photo, biographical information, and links to the author’s website and social media accounts. Use email alerts to be notified when an author’s articles are added, or when the author is cited by new articles added to the database. Author Profile Pages are available for anyone who has written at least one article available in HeinOnline. Librarians may also enhance an author’s profile page on behalf of a faculty member.
Accessing Author Profile Pages
To find an author profile page, use the Advanced Search option found on the Law Journal Library homepage. Enter the author’s name into the Author/Creator field and click the Search button.

The results show all the articles written by Mary Whisner. Users can also click on an author’s name from search results or from within a journal issue’s table of contents.
For any author represented in the Law Journal Library, Author Profile Pages automatically display a list of articles and ScholarCheck statistics. The existing profile can be enhanced to include a photo, biographical information, and links to the author’s website and social media accounts.
ScholarCheck statistics include:

  • The number of times an article has been cited by other articles and cases
  • The number of times an article has been accessed by other HeinOnline users within a rolling 12-month period
  • The number of times an article has been cited by articles written in the past 10 years
  • The number of times an author’s articles have been cited by articles written within the past 12-24 months

A self-citation metric was added to the Author Profile Pages. This metric counts the cumulative number of times that an author has cited his or her own work. It is not factored into the overall ScholarCheck ranking analysis, nor does it affect the overall citation count.
 Below is an example of an enhanced author profile page.


Benefits of Author Profile Pages
Users can set up email alerts regarding a designated author’s works. These alerts will be sent once a month. The four different alerts are for:

  • When new material for this author is added to HeinOnline
  • When new articles in HeinOnline cite this author’s articles
  • When articles are accessed on HeinOnline each month
  • When articles similar to this author’s works are published

Another advantage of Author Profile Pages is the ability to download a CSV of ScholarCheck metrics for an entire institution’s enhanced author profiles.To utilize this feature, enter the Law Journal Library and Browse by Author Profiles.

Thanks to a suggestion from Lisa Davis at Florida International University, users can now link directly to an institution’s list of enhanced author profiles. Click on the institution’s name for the list of authors who have enhanced their author profile, as well as a link to download a CSV of ScholarCheck metrics for all of the enhanced profiles from the institution. This new feature enables users to easily share the link with colleagues.

A CSV is automatically downloaded when the user clicks on the link. All of the authors’ information is pulled into the CSV, where a user can sort/filter the information by any individual metric or by overall ScholarCheck rank. See an example of a CSV file below.


How to Enhance Author Profile Pages
If authors have articles in HeinOnline, a basic version of their page will automatically be created. To enhance the profile page, authors will need to fill out this form. They will be asked to provide an email address, birth year, university/affiliation, title, ORCID ID#, biography, links to social media profiles, and a photo. Once the form is submitted, a HeinOnline support representative will create the page and send a draft for approval. Once approved, the enhanced profile page will be made available in HeinOnline. Users can also edit an already enhanced profile by clicking on Edit Author Profile within the author profile page.

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