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Now on CourtLink you will find links between U.S. District Court dockets and their related appellate and U.S. Supreme Court dockets. This connects 1.1 million dockets, making it faster and easier for you to trace a case’s movements through the appeals process.

Previously, to determine whether a case was appealed, you scrolled through the docket proceedings looking for mention of an appeals case. Then you could run a docket number search to retrieve the appeals docket. Once it appeared, you would scroll through the appeals docket looking for any Supreme Court references. If you found one, you’d then repeat the docket retrieval process.

These links give you the opportunity to rapidly navigate and understand a case’s appellate history, saving time and effort in accessing both the dockets and any related case documents.

The links will appear at the top of the docket, as shown here:

Following the link to the 11th Circuit docket in turn shows the links back to the Florida Southern docket, as well as to the U.S. Supreme Court:And the U.S. Supreme Court has the corresponding links back to the lower courts:In addition, links will be added in the U.S. District Court dockets, connecting to lead dockets and other related dockets:

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