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On Saturday, November 7, the FIU Law Clinic hosted Honoring Dannette: A Domestic Violence Awareness Breakfast in memory of FIU Law student Dannette Willory who was shot and killed by her longtime boyfriend on April 1, 2011.  During the event, two of FIU Law’s student organizations – the Family Law Society and the Women’s Law Society where recognized for their pro bono service to the Domestic Violence project.  A plaque was also presented to the Willory family which will be placed in the FIU Law Clinical area in memory of Dannette.

The FIU Law Clinical Program – in partnership with the Liberty City Advocates – a legal services organization – created The Dannette Willory Access to Justice for Victims of Domestic Violence project serves as a way to honor Willory, and to help victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking victims.

The program is made possible by the Denise Moon Memorial Grant.

Since July, two senior attorneys and one associate attorney have directed, supervised and trained FIU Law students in how to work with victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking who experience difficulty in navigating the legal system. Through the Project, victims will receive access to justice, education and empowerment through free counseling, legal consultation and representation.

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