FIU Law strengthens its international outreach with top-tier law schools and institutions in Central and South America (Argentina, Colombia, and Costa Rica), through a COIL project (Collaborative Online International Learning). During the last fall semester 2023, law students from Argentina (Universidad de San Andres, UDESA), Colombia (Universidad Externado, UEC), Costa Rica (CICA, Universidad de Costa Rica, ULACIT, Libre de Derecho), and FIU Law attended (remotely) our course LAW 6800 International Arbitration Moot Competition, with a common Syllabus. On Feb 8, 2024, our Professor Gilberto A. Guerrero-Rocca was a panelist at CICA in Costa Rica and on Feb 23, 2024, at Universidad Externado (Colombia), sharing insights on “A Future in International Arbitration Practice: Study and Work Opportunities”. Also, he was awarding Diplomas to COIL students in both countries.