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On November 2 and 3, 2023, two FIU law moot court teams competed in the Inaugural Elder law competition in Tallahassee, Florida, against teams from around the country.   The first team composed of Skylar Schaet, Jesus “JJ” Garcia and Jenny Llorens who competed in three rounds, ultimately, only losing to the other FIU law team in the last preliminary round. The second team composed of Christina Caristo, Alberto Sierra and Kaitlyn O’Connell who competed in six back-to- back rounds and emerged as the Elder law Moot Court champions.  In doing so, they defeated a team from George Washington Law school in the semi-finals rounds, and a team from Stetson law in the final round.

This inaugural Elder law competition focused on guardianship and trust issues, with a Game of Thrones fact pattern concerning a standing issue of whether a non-biological child had standing to participate in the removal of a guardian in a guardianship proceeding, and a statutory issue concerning whether the Guardian exploited the ward under the guardianship statutes: section 744.359, and section 744.474, and the criminal exploitation statute, section 825.103, Florida Statutes.

The two teams spent eight weeks writing the briefs and holding moot court practices.  FIU law professor and moot court coach Margaret Brenan Correoso said, “I am so proud of both teams. They were true professionals, hardworking, great competitors, and a pleasure to coach. I can’t wait to see what their futures hold.” A special thanks to Professors Mirow, Wasserman, Dean-Rodriguez-Dodd, and Mullins, and all the great student moot-court members who helped moot the two teams.