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 The Aspen Learning Library (formerly Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aid Library)

The Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aid Library will be known as the Aspen Learning Library as of Dec. 20, 2021.

Transom Capital Acquires Wolters Kluwer U.S. Legal Education Business, our parent company has changed.

Our Aspen Learning Library is ready in A-Z List. We are keeping the URL re: Wolters Kluwer Study Aids live for now to ensure seamless access.

The new URL for Aspen Learning Library will be as of Dec. 20, 2021. This will take the place of the current URL and there will be a redirect in place to take all users to the new URL.

Aspen Learning Library is happy to announce the launch of its new app! The Aspen Learning Library app will be available on iPhones, Android phones, Macs, and PCs. It will provide a streamlined experience and sync user notes, bookmarks, and highlights across all devices. The experience will build on the current experience with some enhancements such as the ability to download content right from the app for offline reading.

To access Aspen Learning Library please click here