Feb 15, 2016 | FIU Law, FIU Law Review, Student News
by Kathleen Pfahlert Bitcoin, a “cryptocurrency,” is the first decentralized digital currency. The...
Feb 9, 2016 | FIU Law Review, Student News
by Riya Resheidat Title VII prohibits an employer from firing an employee because of the...
Jan 25, 2016 | FIU Law Review, Student News
by Andrew Blumstein Beginning in May 2014 with Colorado, more and more states have been enacting...
Jan 19, 2016 | FIU Law, FIU Law Review, Student News
by Barbara Rassi To many students, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may be intimidating. That is why...
Nov 17, 2015 | FIU Law Review, Student News
by Gabrielle L. Gonzalez In recent months, the issue of sexual assault on college campuses has...
Nov 9, 2015 | FIU Law Review, Student News
by Sandy Steed Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton once stated, “Voting is the most precious...