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TradeLawGuide provides comprehensive and methodical research tools for WTO law. Its primary document collection includes the WTO agreements and instruments, jurisprudence, dispute settlement procedural documents and negotiating history. Designed to account for the important role of jurisprudence in the development of WTO law, a suite of citators provides comprehensive substantive references to WTO, pre-WTO and Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provisions as well as cross-references within jurisprudence to interpret provisions and update or distinguish jurisprudence. Annotated Agreements, Treaty Interpretation, Terms & Phrases, Subject Navigator, Dispute Settlement Body Minutes (for policy issues arising in jurisprudence) and Jurisprudence Pending provide additional value-added content. Sophisticated full-text search functions are provided for all research tools and document collections along with detailed summaries and commentaries on WTO jurisprudence.

Research Tools

 The Subject Navigator

  • Indexes information by subject matter and links to the agreements, instruments, jurisprudence and other documents.
  • It has been described as an electronic textbook.

The Annotated Agreements

  • Provide detailed annotations that structure and explain the jurisprudence by agreement and provision.

The Article Citator

  • Provides pinpoint references and links to jurisprudence on all provisions of more than 70 WTO agreements and instruments and pre-WTO agreements (e.g., GATT 1994, 1979 Codes) and provides concise summaries of the jurisprudence.

The Jurisprudence Citators

  • Enable you to ascertain the status of passages in WTO jurisprudence and “update” or “shepardize” passages.

The Interpretation Tool

  • Provides all of the legal principles and jurisprudence on the rules of treaty interpretation under the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties and other special WTO rules.

Terms & Phrases

  • Provide quotations on terms and phrases defined in the texts of the WTO agreements and instruments or elaborated upon in WTO jurisprudence.

DSB Minutes

  • Assess DSB minutes relevant to jurisprudence you are researching.

Jurisprudence Pending

  • Determine whether pending jurisprudence may address WTO provisions you are researching.

Text Search

  • Advanced full text search of document collection.


  • Download and sort full versions of WTO, GATT 1947 & GATT Code jurisprudence.


  • Download and sort WTO dispute procedural documents (e.g. requests for consultations) and agreements & instruments.

Negotiating History

  • Download and sort Uruguay Round negotiating documents.

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