Last weekend, two FIU Moot Court teams headed to Brooklyn, NY for the regional rounds of the ABA National Moot Court Competition. The team of Michael Ellis, Katryna Santa Cruz, and Jordan Esteban won their preliminary rounds against St. Thomas University (FL), the University of Texas, and Oklahoma City respectively. Their outstanding performances in the preliminary rounds meant that the team was the high seed going into the sudden death rounds (FIU was #1 of 32 teams). They then went on to beat a talented team from Barry University in the semifinals, and advanced to the finals where they beat St. Johns Univeristy. By winning their final round, FIU became one of only four teams from the Brooklyn Regionals to qualify for the national rounds. This means that FIU Law is one of only 24 teams that will compete at the national level. The National Rounds will be held in Chicago this April. The team also brought home the award for Runner-up Best Brief for the entire Brooklyn region.
The team of Audrey Fernandez, Kathleen Leon, and Sonny Romano competed admirably and won two of their three preliminary round oral arguments. On a 100-point scoring scale, all three orators averaged in the 90s for each of their rounds. Despite their outstanding oral argument performances, the team ultimately did not make it out of the preliminary rounds. Regardless, this team continued to support the other team, helping them hone their arguments and prepare for the semi-final and final rounds.
Legal Skills & Values Professor, Rima Mullins, was instrumental as the coach helping to prepare for both teams, for the tournament, traveling with the students to the Brooklyn Regional rounds, and will continue to coach and travel with the teams as they make their way to Chicago.