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JURIS’ provides immediate access to both proprietary and public domain Treatises, Practice Manuals, and Monographs. Premium Juris content includes World Arbitration Reporter (WAR), The Encyclopedia of International Arbitration Law and Practice, Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA) Special Series, International Arbitration and Institutions (IAI) series, American Arbitration Association (AAA) International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) handbooks and yearbooks. Arbitration law titles are available for the following countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Korea, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

Arbitration Law also includes arbitral awards, court decisions, national arbitration laws, institutional rules and more – including expert commentary and analysis provided by leading authorities.

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Content Includes:

International Arbitration Instruments

  • Investment Treaties, BITs (Regional, Sectoral, Multilateral, Bilateral and Model)
  • Historically significant draft agreements

International Arbitration Awards and Decisions

  • Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
  • Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
  • Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
  • International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
  • International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
  • Ad hoc decisions

National Arbitration Instruments

  • Domestic arbitration laws, regulations and guidelines

National Arbitration Cases

  • New York Convention decisions (including cases from Australia, Canada, United States, Cameroon, China, Hong Kong, Russia, Switzerland, India, and the United Kingdom)
  • Investor-State review decisions

International and National Arbitral Institutions

  • Rules
  • Commentary


  • Articles and commentary from leading arbitrators, scholars and practitioners

Please see below for a list of premium content included with a subscription:


  • The American Review of International Arbitration (ARIA) 1990 –
  • Dispute Resolution Journal (DRJ) 1965-
  • European International Arbitration Review (EIAR) 2012-
  • Journal of American Arbitration (JAA) 2002 – 2007
  • Journal of Damages in International Arbitration 2014 –
  • Journal of Technology in International Arbitration 2015 –
  • Stockholm Arbitration Report (SAR) – (Back Volume by Year) 1999 – 2004
  • Stockholm International Arbitration Review (SIAR) 2005 – 2011
  • World Arbitration and Mediation Review (WAMR) 1990-

Books (Including Monographs, Treatises, Practice Guides and Reports)

  • 10 Years of Swiss Rules of International Arbitration – ASA Special Series No. 44
  • AAA Handbook on Arbitration Practice
  • AAA Handbook on Arbitration Practice – Second Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Commercial Arbitration – Second Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, Third Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Construction Arbitration and ADR – Second Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Construction Arbitration and ADR – Third Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Employment Arbitration and ADR – Second Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Employment Arbitration and ADR – Third Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Labor Arbitration – Second Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Labor Arbitration and ADR – Third Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Mediation – Second Edition
  • AAA Handbook on Mediation – Third Edition
  • AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law – 23rd Edition
  • AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law – 24th Edition
  • AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law – 25th Edition
  • AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law – 26th Edition
  • AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law – 27th Edition
  • AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law – 28th Edition
  • AAA/ICDR Handbook on International Arbitration and ADR – Second Edition
  • AAA/ICDR Handbook on International Arbitration Practice
  • ADR and the Law – 20th Edition
  • ADR and the Law – 21st Edition
  • ADR and the Law – 22nd Edition
  • Advocacy in International Commercial Arbitration: ASA Special Series No. 36
  • Alternate Dispute Resolution in the Futures Industry
  • Annulment of ICSID Awards
  • Anti-Suit Injunctions in International Arbitration
  • Arbitral Institutions Under Scrutiny: ASA Special Series No. 40
  • Arbitration Clauses for International Contracts – Second Edition
  • Arbitration in Asia – Second Edition
  • Arbitration Law and Practice in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Arbitration Law of Australia: Practice and Procedure
  • Arbitration Law of Austria: Practice and Procedure
  • Arbitration Law of Brazil: Practice and Procedure
  • Arbitration Law of Brazil: Practice and Procedure – Second Edition
  • Arbitration Law of Canada: Practice and Procedure – Second Edition
  • Arbitration Law of Czech Republic: Practice and Procedure
  • Arbitration Law of Korea: Practice and Procedure
  • Arbitration Law of Russia: Practice and Procedure
  • Arbitration Law of Sweden: Practice and Procedure
  • Arbitration Law of Switzerland: Practice & Procedure
  • Arbitration Law of Turkey: Practice and Procedure
  • Arbitration of International Intellectual Property Disputes
  • Arbitration Rules – International Institutions – Third Edition
  • Arbitration Rules – National Institutions – Second Edition
  • Art of Advocacy in International Arbitration
  • Art of Advocacy in International Arbitration – Second Edition
  • ASA Special Series No. 43 Confidential and Restricted Access Information in International Arbitration
  • Asian Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration
  • Attachment of Assets
  • B2C Arbitration: Consumer Protection in Arbitration
  • Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2010-2011
  • Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2011-2012
  • Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2012-2013
  • Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2013-2014
  • Baker and McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook 2014-2015
  • Behind the Scenes in International Arbitration
  • Between East and West: Essays in Honour of Ulf Franke
  • Business Disputes in China – Third Edition
  • Carbonneau on Arbitration: Collected Essays
  • Carbonneau on International Arbitration: Collected Essays
  • Case Preparation and Presentation: A Guide for Arbitration Advocates and Arbitrators
  • Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules: A Commentary
  • Collective Bargaining: How it Works and Why – Third Edition
  • College of Commercial Arbitrators Guide to Best Practices in Commercial Arbitration – Third Edition
  • Commentary on the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2010: A Practitioner’s Guide
  • Commercial Mediation and Arbitration in the NAFTA Countries
  • Comparison of Asian International Arbitration Rules
  • Comparison of Gulf International Arbitration Rules
  • Comparison of International Arbitration Rules – Fourth Edition
  • Comparison of MENA International Arbitration Rules
  • Construction Schedules: Analysis, Evaluation and Interpretation of Schedules in Litigation and Dispute Resolution – Fourth Edition
  • Counsel as Client’s First Enemy in Arbitration?
  • Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration – 2011: The Relationship between Constitutional Values, Human Rights, and Arbitration
  • Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration – 2012: Party Autonomy versus Autonomy of Arbitrators
  • Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration – 2013: Borders of Procedural and Substantive Law in Arbitral Proceedings
  • Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration – 2014: Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators
  • Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration – Interaction of Arbitration and Courts – 2015
  • Dispute Resolution in China
  • Electronic Disclosure in International Arbitration
  • Employment Arbitration – Second Edition
  • Energy Dispute Resolution: Investment Protection, Transit and the Energy Charter Treaty
  • Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Against Sovereigns
  • Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia
  • Enforcement of Money Judgments
  • Essays on International Arbitration
  • EU-PIL: European Union Private International Law in Contract and Tort
  • Fifteen Years of NAFTA Chapter 11 Arbitration
  • French International Arbitration Law Reports 1963-2007
  • French International Arbitration Law Reports: 2008
  • French International Arbitration Law Reports: 2009
  • French International Arbitration Law Reports: 2010
  • Fundamentals of Labor Arbitration
  • Handbook on International Commercial Arbitration – Second Edition
  • ICDR Awards and Commentaries
  • ICDR Handbook on International Arbitration Practice – Second Edition
  • ICDR Handbook on International Arbitration & ADR – Third Edition
  • Inside the Black Box: How Arbitral Tribunals Operate and Reach Their Decisions – ASA Special Series No. 42
  • Interim and Emergency Relief in International Arbitration – International Law Institute Series on International Law, Arbitration and Practice
  • Interim Measures in International Arbitration
  • International Arbitration and Public Policy
  • International Arbitration and the Courts
  • International Arbitration Checklists – Second Edition
  • International Arbitration Checklists – Third Edition
  • International Arbitration Court Decisions – Third Edition
  • International Arbitration Ex Aequo et Bono/Amiable Composition
  • International Arbitration Law and Practice – Third Edition
  • International Arbitration Treaties – Third Edition
  • International Commercial Arbitration in Asia – Third Edition
  • Investment Arbitration and the Energy Charter Treaty
  • Investment Arbitration Decisions
  • Investment Arbitration in Eastern Europe: In Search of a Definition of Expropriation
  • Investment Protection and The Energy Charter Treaty
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 1
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 2
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 3
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 4
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 5
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 6
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 7
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 8
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 9
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Volume 10
  • Investor-State Arbitration–Lessons for Asia
  • Journal of American Arbitration (JAA)
  • Law and Practice of Arbitration – Fifth Edition
  • Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration – Third Edition
  • Leading Practitioners’ Guide to International Oil & Gas Arbitration
  • Limits to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration
  • Lowenfeld on International Arbitration: Collected Essays Over Three Decades
  • Mandatory Rules in International Arbitration
  • Monads or Triads: Conflict and Cooperation among Arbitrators
  • National Arbitration Laws – Second Edition
  • Natural Resources and the Law of the Sea: Exploration, Allocation, Exploitation of Natural Resources in Areas under National Jurisdiction and Beyond – International Law Institute Series on International Law, Arbitration and Practice, Volume 2
  • Pechota Bibliography on Arbitration – Second Edition
  • Performance as a Remedy: Non-Monetary Relief in International Arbitration: ASA Special Series No. 30
  • Post Award Issues: ASA Special Series No. 38
  • Post-Hearing Issues In International Arbitration
  • Practice of International Litigation – Second Edition
  • Practitioner’s Guide to Arbitration in the Middle East and North Africa
  • Practitioner’s Guide to the CISG
  • Practitioner’s Handbook On International Arbitration And Mediation- Third Edition
  • Precedent in International Arbitration
  • Public Policy Exception Under The New York Convention – Revised Edition
  • Review of International Arbitral Awards
  • Revolution in the International Rule of Law: Essays in Honor of Don Wallace, Jr.
  • Rise of Transparency in International Arbitration
  • Roster of International Arbitrators – Second Edition
  • SCC Arbitral Awards 1999-2003
  • SCC Arbitral Awards 2004-2009
  • Search for Truth in Arbitration: Is Finding the Truth What Dispute Resolution Is About? – ASA Special Series No. 35
  • Securing and Enforcing Judgments in Latin America
  • Securities Arbitration: Practice and Forms
  • Securities Arbitration: Practice and Forms – Second Edition
  • Sense and Non-sense of Guidelines, Rules and Other Para-regulatory Texts in International Arbitration – ASA Special Series No. 37
  • Soft Law in International Arbitration
  • Sports Arbitration: A Coach for Other Players? – ASA Special Series No. 41
  • State Entities in International Arbitration
  • Swedish Arbitration Act of 1999, Five Years On: A Critical Review of Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports – 2007 Vol. 1 Nos. 1 & 2
  • Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports – 2008 Volume 2 No. 1
  • Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports – 2008 Volume 2 No. 2
  • Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports – 2009 Vol. 3 Nos. 1 & 2
  • Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports 2010 Vol. 4 Nos. 1 and 2
  • Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports, 2007-2009 Vols. 1-3
  • Swiss International Sports Arbitration Reports (SISAR) – Vol. 1
  • Swiss Rules of International Arbitration – Second Edition
  • Take the Witness: Cross Examination In International Arbitration
  • Towards A Uniform International Arbitration Law?
  • Transnational Litigation and Commercial Arbitration – Third Edition
  • UNCITRAL Model Law after Twenty-Five Years: Global Perspectives on International Commercial Arbitration
  • World Arbitration Reporter (WAR) – Second Edition

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