Portable Multi-Functional Tray Table
The adjustable portable 8 position Lap desk for hands-free use and optimal viewing – Easy pop-up lip holds the bottom of the Computer laptop, Tablet, Book or Drawing Device.
Sanitizing wipes are available at the entrance of the library.
Adjustable laptop tables are available for the FIU law community at the circulation desk for 3-hour loan periods.
The adjustable laptop tables can be placed on a desk or table to convert it into a standing desk. This will allow patrons to alternate between sitting and standing while reading or using their laptops.
The Law umbrellas are available for the FIU law community at the circulation desk for 24-hour loan periods.
The Law Library has 2 bins with lids for student organization donation drives. They are available to be used for donation drives within the Law Library. Student organizations can check them out at the Circulation Desk for flexible loan periods.
Earplugs are available at the Law Library Circulation Desk for the law community. Use these earplugs to experience peace and quiet during final exams.
Dry-erase Markers
Dry-erase markers are available for 3-hour loan periods for use in study rooms that have whiteboards.
The new books display at the Circulation Desk features new titles on various areas of the law. The FIU Law community may borrow these titles at the Circulation Desk.
Billiard Balls, Ping Pong Supplies, and Board Games
Billiards Balls and Pig Pong Supplies are available at the Law Library’s Circulation Desk. Board games and puzzles are also now available. Some of the games currently held are Catan, chess, backgammon, and more. All are available for 1-hour loan periods.