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HeinOnline has launched the LibGuides homepage, as a student resource. A new database, Democracy in America, is now available which showcases a new and exciting version of Alexis de Tocqueville’s classic work, Democracy in America.  Also added two new features to Author Profile Pages, including an interactive tool used to analyze authors and identify relationships between them.

In the past month, nearly 1,000 titles and more than 1,900 volumes for a total of 820,387 new pages have been added to HeinOnline.

Content Release Summary:

  • Updated databases: 60
  • New titles: 956
  • New volumes: 1915
  • New pages added last month: 820,387

Total pages in HeinOnline: 173,967,514

Ten new journals were added to the Law Journal Library:

NEW DATABASE: Democracy in America

HeinOnline now provides a new version of Alexis de Tocqueville’s classic work, Democracy in America, complete with more than 1,000 annotations and references.


LibGuides are an easy way to compile knowledge, share useful information, and organize and showcase subject-specific resources.

Improved Author Profiles in HeinOnline

HeinOnline’s built-in Author Profile Pages highlight the scholarly work of authors throughout its databases by compiling each author’s publications, biographical information, ScholarCheck statistics, and more in one place. The latest additions to Author Profile Pages are now live in beta form.

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals Update

Now available in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals database is volume 2018, Issue 4. Users can search the IFLP database using keywords, article title, publication year, author, subject, country, and much more!

Serial Set: The Annexation of Hawaii

As of this month, more than 2.6 million pages and 3,500 volumes have been added since HeinOnline launched the Serial Set in October 2018. HeinOnline continues its Secrets of the Serial Set series by diving into the controversy surrounding the annexation of Hawaii to the United States.

State Constitutions Illustrated

HeinOnline’s State Constitutions Illustrated database contains historical and current constitutions for all fifty U.S. states. With nearly 9,500 constitutions and constitutional documents, this database will continue to grow. The original text of state constitutions is available from the session laws and from corresponding state constitutional conventions.

Provincial Statutes of Canada Update

The Provincial Statutes of Canada database has been updated. The province of Quebec’s coverage in HeinOnline previously included historical and revised statutes only, but now has current coverage as well. See what else has been added for other provinces in the last 12 months.

World Constitutions Illustrated: August 2019 Update

Since April, 21 countries have been added nearly 90 new titles to the World Constitutions Illustrated database.

To access HeinOnline, please click here.