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Content Release Summary:

  • Updated databases: 49
  • New titles: 1,716
  • New volumes: 2,175
  • New pages added last month: 430,839
  • Total pages in HeinOnline: 160,527,927

Content Updates
Included among the new 800+ Congressional Research Service Reports this month are documents pertaining to Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court Nomination, and other Supreme Court Nomination-related material.
The Law Journal Library continues to grow with the addition of 9 new journals this month. Additionally, more than 200 new titles were added to Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law, more than 80 titles were added to the Legal Classics Library, and more than 30 titles were added to Taxation & Economic Reform in America Parts I & II. Altogether, more than 1,700 titles have been added to various databases in HeinOnline.
Coming Soon (October 2018)
Phase I of the U.S. Congressional Serial Set will be available this month in HeinOnline. The Serial Set is an ongoing project in HeinOnline with the goal to add more than four million pages each year until completion.
Major Database Updates (3)
The Session Laws Library indexing project continues: all 50 states are already indexed to the chapter or act level from 2000 to date. In 2017, HeinOnline announced an amended tactic: states would be indexed back to inception one at a time, beginning with the most accessed states. Last month, the indexing for Louisiana and Mississippi were completed back to inception. Other states that have been indexed back to inception include California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Moving forward, the focus will be on South Carolina.
The FOIA Oversight and Implementation Act of 2016: A Legislative History of Public Law No. 114-185 is a new title that has been added to the U.S. Federal Legislative History Library. This legislative history was compiled by William H. Manz.
More than 50 pamphlets have been added to Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law thanks to the South Carolina Historical Society’s Special Collections Department.
New Print Publication
Celebrating Diversity: A Legacy of Minority Leadership in the American Association of Law Libraries by Shamika D. Dalton, Yvonne J. Chandler, Vicente E. Garces, Dennis C. Kim-Prieto, Carol Avery Nicholson, and Michele A. L. Villagran is now available. This book is a perfect for learning about the history of ethnic diversity within AALL and the essential role of minority law librarians in organizations and democratic society.
Title & Publication Changes
A comprehensive list of all recent title and publication changes is now available.
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