Daniel Fors, 3L, published an article in the Villanova Environmental Law Journal, Volume 30, Issue 1, which will be available in August 2018.
The article is titled The Native Species Protection Act: A Deceptively-Named Measure to Destroy the Endangered Species Act. “This opportunity would not have been possible without Professor Kalyani Robbins‘ encouragement and guidance,” Fors stated.
The article examines the recently proposed Native Species Protection Act, which aims to eliminate the Endangered Species Act’s authority to regulate intrastate species under the Commerce Clause. I argue that the proposed bill would effectively gut the Endangered Species Act and that states are not adequately equipped to protect endangered intrastate species. The article concludes with a proposal for compromise between the states and federal agencies. Although the movement to overhaul the Endangered Species Act has been brewing for some time, the threat is greater today given the shift in environmental policy between administrations.