Gilberto A. Guerrero-Rocca
LL.M. Program Director
Education & CV
- JSM, Stanford Law School 2013 (Palo Alto, California). Dissertation on International Arbitration in the Oil, Gas & Mining Sectors (honors).
- LL.M. in Business Law, Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid & Universidad Fco. de Vitoria (Madrid, Spain) 2003.
- LL.M. in Administrative Law, Universidad Catolica Andres Bello (Venezuela) 2001
- J.D. (equivalent, Summa Cum Laude) Universidad Catolica Andres Bello (Venezuela) 1997;
- J.D. (equivalent) Universidad de Costa Rica (Costa Rica) 2022.
- Administrative Law
- Business
- Commercial Arbitration
- Comparative and Foreign Law
- Family Law
- Investment-Arbitration
He has represented claimants in investment arbitration proceedings against European, Central & South American Sovereign States before ICSID and the PCA in the Mining Sector, Coffee Industry, Infrastructure, Poultry Industry, Hospitality, Real Estate, Telecommunications and Pharma Sector. He successfully represented a Sovereign State before the ICSID facing a multi-million treaty-based arbitration claim in the Mining Sector. Recently he successfully represented a South American company in an international commercial arbitration dispute settled by the CISG. He represented a Barbadian company who settled a treaty-based arbitration claim against a South American State. Arbitrator to settle commercial disputes related to franchise contracts, construction, leasing and aviation according to the Rules of CACC (ICC affiliated) & CEDCA. His books and articles have been frequently quoted by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Venezuela and some of his arbitral awards (as sole arbitrator) confirmed by its Constitutional Chamber.
Besides his career as practitioner, Guerrero-Rocca is currently our LL.M. Program Director and Adjunct Professor, Board of Advisors of “World Arbitration & Mediation Review” (WARM), co-coach of the team for the Willem C. Vis Moot and Moot Madrid (International Arbitration Competitions) at FIU LAW (Miami, Florida), and Faculty Affiliate at FIU LACC (Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center). He earned a JSM degree from Stanford Law School where he conducted extensive research on investment arbitration (Honors); J.D. equivalent degree (Summa Cum Laude) and a LL.M. degree in Administrative Law both from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB, Venezuela). He also completed a LL.M. degree in Business Law from Universidad Francisco de Vitoria & Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid (ICAM, Spain). Fundación Carolina full- scholarship based on academic merit. He focuses his practice on commercial and investment arbitration, international litigation, investment protection and Latin America (ReedSmith LLP, Miami).
Since 2003 he has been teaching arbitration in UCAB and has published several books and articles on Arbitration, Constitutional, Business and Administrative Law. He is a frequent speaker in universities and chambers of commerce (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Spain, Venezuela), and frequent interviewee by major media outlets regarding investment and treaty-based arbitration claims in LATAM and Europe.
- The Relevance of the CISG in Settling International Arbitration Claims Arising Due to COVID-19 in Absence of Force Majeure and Hardship Clauses” World Arbitration & Mediation Review (WAMR). 2021. Vol 13.2.
- Family Law in Latin America: Procedural and Substantive Issues. Derecho de Familia & Sucesiones en Latinoamérica. Jurisdicción y Derecho.” (2021). Thomson Reuters- Aranzadi.
- Glencore I: Adopting Stabilization Clauses in Investment Contracts and Seeking Non-Pecuniary Remedies in Investment Arbitration Still Makes Sense Glencore International A.G. and C.I. Prodeco S.A. v. Republic of Colombia (ICSID, Case No. ARB/16/6. Revista de Direito Internacional, Brasília, v. 17, n. 2, 2020
- National Report for the Venezuela (2020), in ICCA International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration 1, 54 (Lise Bosman ed., Kluwer Law International, ICCA & Kluwer Law International 2020, Supplement No. 111, July 2020). Kluwer Law International – Document (
- The Prodigal Son Comes Home: Ecuador Returns with Investment-Arbitration, 12 World Arbitration & Mediation Review (WAMR) (2018). The Prodigal Son Comes Home: Ecuador Returns to Investment Arbitration – WAMR 2018 Vol. 12, No. 3 |
- In Case of Fire, Please Denounce The ICSID Convention: The Socio-Legal Risks of Adopting a Pro-State Approach Towards Articles 71-72 Dealing With Sovereign Repeat Players” WAMR(2017)
- Praising Calvo and Wearing Investors’ Robes: A Case Study of Venezuela and Its Strategy in Investment Arbitration in the Oil, Gas and Mining Sectors” Dissertation (honors). Stanford Law School. Palo Alto, California. (2013). Praising Calvo and Wearing Investors’ Robes: A Case Study of Venezuela and Its Strategy in Investment Arbitration in the Oil, Gas and Mining Sectors – Dissertation or Thesis – Stanford Law School
- “Ecuador de Vuelta al Arbitraje de Inversion: Una Fórmula que Venezuela debe Replicar” Revista MARC, 1era ed.(2019) p. 22 – 26. Revista MARC primera edición 2019 by Revista MARC – issuu
- De ‘Astivenca’ a ‘Polar’: Balance a 10 Años del Reconocimiento al Efecto-Dual del Principio Kompetenz-Kompetenz en el Arbitraje Venezolano” CIAR GLOBAL(2020). Venezuela: 10 años del reconocimiento al efecto-dual del Kompetenz-Kompetenz | Ciar Global
- Validez del Canon Arrendaticio en Moneda Extranjera y la Facultad de los Árbitros de Desaplicar su Prohibición” Revista MARC, 3 ed. (2020) p. 50 – 61.
- Se Restablece el Arbitraje en Arrendamiento Comercial en Venezuela” Revista CIARGLOBAL October (2018). Se restablece el arbitraje en arrendamiento comercial en Venezuela. Por Gilberto A. Guerrero-Rocca | Ciar Global
- “El Acuerdo Arbitral,” in El Arbitraje en Venezuela. Estudios con Motivo de los 15 Años de la Ley de Arbitraje Comercial. Obra conjunta. CEDCA. Cámara Comercio de Caracas. Club Español del Arbitraje. 2013.
- Nuevos Avances sobre arbitraje en Venezuela. Análisis práctico a recientes sentencias de la Sala Constitucional Revista de Derecho / Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, Caracas, Venezuela(2012) p. 265 – 307.
- Tratado de Derecho Arrendaticio Inmobiliario” Tomo II. Universidad Católica Andres Bello (UCAB). Segunda Edición 2006. “Tratado De Derecho Arrendaticio Inmobiliario (Tomo II)” by Gilberto A. Guerrero-Rocca (
- Régimen de Gestión, Control y Protección Constitucional de los Servicios Públicos” (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia – Colección Nuevos Autores, Nº 10. Venezuela). 2005. “Régimen De Gestión, Control Y Protección Constitucional De Los Servicios Públicos” by Gilberto A. Guerrero-Rocca (
- El Régimen Actual de los Intereses para la Financiación de Vehículos, (Análisis Crítico a la Providencia Nº 30 Dictada por el INDECU)” Revista Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, No 10, Caracas, Venezuela Vol. No. 10 (2004) p. 303 – 338.
- Controversial Constitucionales y Conflictos de Autoridad: Una Necesaria Distinción” Revista de Derecho
- Constitucional. No. 7, Editorial Sherwood, Caracas, Venezuela Vol. No. 7 (2003) p. 137 – 159.
- Nuevas Orientaciones en el Contencioso Administrativo Venezolano (Editorial Livrosca, Caracas, Venezuela, 2002).
- El Arbitraje Arrendaticio. Revista de Derecho / Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, Caracas, Venezuela No.3 (2001) p. 289 – 347