In this Fall series of three 30-minute webinars, the LexisNexis Knowledge & Research Consulting team will present strategies for researching statutes & legislation, competitive intelligence, and current awareness topics. These sessions will cover a wide range of search tactics across a variety of LexisNexis® tools and resources. Even if you are unable to attend each session live, we encourage you to register for all three as all registrants will receive the recording link to view at a more convenient time. Statutes and Legislation Research Strategies (October 14) Watch Webinar Recording Now Wednesday, October 14, 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time Description: Join Gayle Lynn-Nelson and Bridget MacMillan, Knowledge & Research Consultants, on a detailed exploration of federal and state statutes and legislation found on Lexis®. Learn tips for conducting effective research in these sources, as well as using specialized tools designed precisely for this content, like Legislative Outlook. And get a sneak peek at the new Code Compare on Lexis+. Competitive Intelligence Research Strategies (October 28) Register Now Wednesday, October 28, 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time Description: In this session Loyd Auerbach and Joyce Magruder, Knowledge & Research Consultants, will delve into the new LexisNexis® Competitive Intelligence Toolkit, looking at the CI tactical objectives and the suggested relevant resources, search tips and products supporting those objectives. Current Awareness Research Strategies (November 18) Register Now Wednesday, November 18, 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time Description: In this session, Nikki DiNatale and Joyce Magruder, Knowledge & Research Consultants, provide an in-depth review of LexisNexis® current awareness tools including Lexis®, Nexis Newsdesk® and Law360® that are most useful for researching and tracking rising practice area trends, new firm initiatives, and client updates. Latest Trends in Insurance Litigation and Impacts of COVID-19 (October 20) Register Now Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 1:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time Description: Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in insurance litigation. Trends are developing particularly in the business interruption area. Insurance litigators need to be aware of the issues as they face similar litigation. This 30 minute webinar will review litigation trends and the LexisNexis tools and resources to respond to COVID-19-related legal issues. Corbin on Contracts: Navigating Force Majeure in the Age of COVID-19 (October 21) Register Now Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 01:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time Description: The COVID-19 pandemic, and the government shutdowns in its wake, continue to wreak havoc on contractual obligations. This one-hour webinar, by the attorney who updates the landmark treatise Corbin on Contracts, will demystify the thorny legal issues surrounding your client’s force majeure rights following the COVID-19 disruption as well as examine the latest cases on force majeure and how to best recover for your client in light of precedent making recovery difficult. Artificial Intelligence for Lawyers: Ethical Concerns & Best Practices (October 21) Register Now Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 3:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time Cyber Risks Facing GCs: What We’ve Learned From 6 Months of Remote Work (October 21) Register Now Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 03:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time Description: In this webinar, our distinguished panelists will discuss: Vulnerabilities related to working from home, Cyber threats businesses should anticipate and how they’re evolving, Top 5 recommendations to help you protect your organization, and secure your data. Performing Effective Securities Law Research (October 23) Register Now Friday, October 23, 2020, 1:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time Description: The securities practice requires the ability to seamlessly navigate a broader variety of resources than perhaps any other area of law. This course will leverage substantive examples ranging from the use of Non- GAAP financial metrics in financial disclosures to cybersecurity risk factors and even hot topics in SEC enforcement for purposes of equipping attendees with the skills they need to effectively approach any securities research task with confidence. To access LexisNexis please click here.
Webinar Series on Research Strategies for Statutes & Legislation, Current Awareness and Competitive Intelligence.