- More than 2 million pages and 1,300 titles have recently been added
- Expanded focus beyond the work of the U.S. Department of Justice, focusing on how criminal justice systems have changed in American and English law over time
- 110 criminal justice periodicals along with a large collection of Crime and Criminal books have been added.
HeinOnline’s Criminal Justice & Criminology offers an historical overview of these ever-changing disciplines and their various expressions in American and English law over time. Collecting Bureau of Justice statistics, memoirs of retired Scotland Yard investigators, congressional hearings on drug control policies, accounts of prison life in days long past and much more, this collection explores how criminal justice has changed in America and the effect criminology has had on those changes. It collects government documents as well as rare or hard-to-find pamphlets, memoirs, and books written by ordinary law enforcement officers and not-so-famous criminals. To help users navigate the content spanning these two wide-reaching disciplines, all titles in this collection have been subject coded into 16 subject areas. Log in now to check out the updated collection and new content.
Central to the reorganization of this database was the addition of more than 100 periodicals relating to criminal justice and criminology, as well as a large collection of Crime & Criminal books. Incorporating these titles—which total nearly 1.6 million pages—allows users to jump directly from important government documents to secondary analytical sources, providing a comprehensive foundation for criminal justice research.
Check out some of our most exciting new titles:
- Criminology/Criminologica
- Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
- Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare
- Social Problems
- Criminal Justice and Behavior
- Law & Society Review
- Law and Contemporary Problems
- Justice Quarterly
- American Criminal Law Review
- Criminology & Public Policy
Users can also easily access publications from the U.S. Attorney General by navigating to the Attorney General Reports & Opinions tab. In addition to finding official attorney general reports and opinions, find other reports and memoranda from the U.S. Attorney General.
Access congressional hearings covering all criminal justice subjects by navigating to the dedicated Congressional Hearings tab. We’ve also collected all CRS Reports and GAO Reports within HeinOnline on criminal justice into their own tabs. Easily navigate content using the A-Z anchors within every sub-collection.
To access HeinOnline, please click here.