UK Legislation
Statutes – The UK Statutes database contains the full text of all Acts of Parliament in England, Wales and Scotland as enacted, from 1235 to the present day. UK Statutes is the only statute-law database to contain Scottish Acts of Parliament and repealed legislation:
- Acts of Parliament (United Kingdom) 1707 to present
- Acts of Parliament (Scotland) 1999 to present
- Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly from 2000
- Church Assembly and General Synod Measures 1920 to present
- Acts of Parliament (England) 1235 to 1706
Statutory Instruments – SIs set out detailed provisions under the authority of the enabling Acts of Parliament for “fine-tuning” of legislation. With the UK Statutory Instruments database you can keep up with these important changes:
- Statutory Instruments from 1949 to present
- Scottish Statutory Instruments
- Draft Statutory Instruments
- The legislation published in Statutory Rules & Orders and Statutory Instruments Revised to December 31, 1948, which was published by HMSO in 1950 and includes regulations dating back as far as 1671
- Statutory Rules and Orders issued prior to 1987
Local Acts – A complete and fully searchable database of all as-enacted, full-text local legislation from 1797 to date, incorporating a growing collection of private and personal legislation
UK Case Law
From 1163 to the present day. Justis provides instant access to a fully up-to-date and extensive range of primary and specialist case law from a variety of authoritative legal sources.
Irish Law
Reports and digests – From 1838 to the present day. An exclusive archive of Irish case law spanning more than 170 years, provided by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland.
Irish Cases – From 1998 to the present day. The most comprehensive collection of recent case law in Ireland, Justis Irish Cases is an invaluable resource for the Irish practitioner.
Irish Legislation – From 1998 to the present day. Including over 18,000 Acts of the Oireachtas and 9,000 Statutory Instruments, Justis Irish Legislation is included with subscriptions to Justis Irish Cases.
EU Law
Full coverage of EU legal information from 1951 to the present day.
Caribbean Case Law
Exclusively available on JustisOne, the largest collection of Caribbean case law covers 18 jurisdictions dating back to 1950, including all superior and appellate courts, the Privy Council, Caribbean Court of Justice, superior and specialist courts.
A partnership between the University of the West Indies and Justis has bought together CariLaw’s extensive and exclusive content with the collection of Caribbean cases already available on Justis to create a truly essential resource for law students, academics, legal professionals and government departments.
Our Caribbean Core package includes over 53,000 cases from the Caribbean Court of Justice, Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Christopher & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, and Turks and Caicos.
Australian Case Law
From 1986 to the present day, including cases from the High Court of Australia, and appellate courts from the Capital Territory, New South Wales, Nothern Territory, Tasmania and Victoria.
Canadian Case Law
Canadian Cases – From 1876 to the present day, including cases from the Supreme Court, the Federal Court of Appeal, and appellate courts from Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Saskatchewan.
Maritime Law Book – One of the most significant and comprehensive resources of Canadian case law available, including over 310,000 reported cases from 1969 to 2016.
New Zealand Case Law
Exclusively available on JustisOne, the New Zealand Law Report includes cases from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, District Court, Privy Council, Legal Complaints Review Officer, Taxation Review Authority, Employment Court, Environment Court, Family Court, and more.
Human Rights
Case Law – reports of all cases from the European Court of Human Rights from 1960 to the present day.
Legislation – European Human Rights Conventions including any relevant Protocols from 1950 to the present day.
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