Expansion of Case Analysis to All State Laws and Regulations
Smart Code, Bloomberg Law’s improvement on the annotated code, has been expanded to include all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In each state, Smart Code can typically be found on the state code, administrative code, and state court rules. Smart Code is also available for the entire U.S. Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, the Federal Rules of Evidence, and the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.
To access the court opinions in the Smart Code collection, click on the Smart Code tab located along the top of the page of any section of a statute, rule, or regulation. This feature allows you to run a Keyword search across all of the listed opinions, and filter by Date, Court, or Topic to easily identify the most useful results. Bloomberg Law also classifies and assigns a strength of discussion score to the opinion text surrounding each citation, enabling you to focus on the legal discussions most likely to inform your research.
Business Intelligence Center
Bloomberg Law recently launched the new Business Intelligence Center, accessible through Business Intelligence tab. The Business Intelligence Center, which provide access to all of the same business development and competitive intelligence resources previously available on Bloomberg Law, offer users the ability to create an unlimited number of fully custom dashboards populated with the tools and searches they choose. Dashboards can be created from scratch or by starting with pre-made template dashboards.
When creating a dashboard from scratch, you may add any number of individual tiles to a blank Dashboard. Tiles display results for different types of searches available on Bloomberg Law. Currently available search-based tile types include News, Dockets, EDGAR, EDGAR 10-K Risk Factors, Law Reports and Company Screener. You also have the ability to edit searches either by using the search criteria accessible from the tile, or by modifying the search from the search results page. You can also create tiles from saved searches previously created on Bloomberg Law, or directly from a search results page. Dashboards are refreshed automatically, so the most up-to-date results will always appear first.Special Feature: President Trump: The First Hundred Days
A Special Feature covering the incoming President and his administration is now available on Bloomberg Law. The feature can be found by clicking on President Trump: the First 100 Days under the Special Feature section of the Bloomberg Law landing page. This special feature collects news and analysis from Bloomberg News and Bloomberg BNA, making it easy to stay current on significant legal issues likely to dominate the initial months of the new administration: the Affordable Care Act, Energy Policy, Climate Change, Immigration, Regulatory and Tax Reform, Trade Policy and the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy. Here, you can also view profiles of each member of the President’s cabinet, and monitor his Twitter feed.Bloomberg Law Training Webinars
Bloomberg Law is hosting a series of live webinars every week to provide training to students and faculty. Every Tuesday at 2:00pm EST they will hold a webinar on basic research skills targeted to 1Ls, while on Thursdays at 2:00pm they will focus on advanced research tools. Every other Tuesday at 3:00 pm EST they will hold an advanced training on practice area specific tools. Finally, on the last Thursday of every month at 3:00 pm EST, they will hold a librarian update covering what’s new on Bloomberg Law. All of these webinars will be recorded and available for later access. To access the complete schedule, along with the topics to be covered, click on Link in the Bloomberg Law Live Webinars entry in the Training and Events calendar, or on the “Live Online Training” graphic, immediately below the Law School Success section of the landing page.Reference Desk
Privacy and Data Security are growing areas of practice and client concern. The Bloomberg Law: Privacy & Data Security workflow tool, accessible through the Practice Centers tab, offers nuanced understanding of the laws, regulations, implications and risks associated with privacy and data security. For example, the EU’s recent adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) will have significant impact on many US companies doing business abroad. Bloomberg BNA’s portfolio, EU General Data Protection Regulation provides valuable insight, including the scope of the regulation, information notices, and details of when Data Protection Officers are required. Use the interactive timeline to track EU GDPR Developments.
Two BNA Law Reports, the World Data Protection Report and Privacy Law Watch, are indispensable for keeping on the very edge of legal developments in the area of privacy and data security. Be sure to set up your email notification for these reports. In addition, because privacy and data security intersect with many areas of the law, the most effective way to capture all relevant developments is to also set up a keyword search alert across all BNA Law Reports. For example, a researcher interested in privacy protections could use the Search BNA Law Reports search tool on the main BNA Law Reports page to run a keyword search for “personally identifiable information,” and set up the alert on the search results page to be alerted to any new regulatory developments related to personally identifiable information.
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