Ryan Lavoie, a graduate of the 2015 class, recently secured a position as an Attorney Advisor (Trademark Examining Attorney) with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in Alexandria, Virginia. This makes Ryan the first graduate of FIU Law to secure a position with the USPTO. Congratulations, Ryan!
While at FIU Law, Lavoie demonstrated his interest and commitment to intellectual property law in various ways. In his work as a Research Assistant for Professor Osei-Tutu, Lavoie was exposed to domestic and international issues in intellectual property law. He was active in student organizations, serving as the Vice President of the Intellectual Property Students Association, and he was a founding member of Advancing Law and Technology. Ryan took a number of intellectual property courses at the College of Law and successfully completed the Intellectual Property Certificate Program.
Ryan participated in a highly competitive process that saw students from across the country, as well as practicing attorneys, applying for these positions. In December, Lavoie was advised that he had been selected for an interview at the USPTO in Virginia, and he was interviewed by two separate panels in January. Out of hundreds of applicants, Ryan became one of a select number of people to be offered a job as a Trademark Examining Attorney. As a trademark examiner, Lavoie will determine what words, logos, and other symbols should qualify for federal registration as trademarks. Lavoie will begin his new position later this month.