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Associate Professor Charles C. Jalloh has participated in several historic events at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha, Tanzania. The first event, on December 2, 2015, celebrated the completion of the ICTR’s work and included  the  launch of his recently co-edited book published to honor the Tribunal’s Chief Prosecutor. The second was a High-Level Roundtable on the theme Promoting Accountability for International Crimes at the National Level, convened on December 3. The latter brought together leading national and international prosecutors to discuss strategies on how best to leverage the legacy of international penal tribunals to ensure the prosecution of atrocity crimes within national criminal courts. The ICTR’s conclusion of its work, after 21 years, is a significant milestone in the global struggle against impunity.

The UN Security Council created the ICTR in 1994, using its extraordinary powers under the Charter of the United Nations, and mandated it to bring to justice perpetrators of the 1994 genocide in which an estimated one million people were killed in the course of 100 days.

Further info can be found here and here.

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