Professor M.C. Mirow has recently published “Codification and the Constitution of Cádiz” in Estudios Jurídicos en Homenaje al Profesor Alejandro Guzmán-Brito, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2014, vol. 3, pp. 343-361. The work explores the relationship between private and public law in the early nineteenth century, a pivotal time for both constitutions and codes. The study was published in a multi-volume Festschrift for one of Chile’s premier legal historians, Professor Alejandro Guzmán-Brito. “Don Alejandro is a leading light in Roman law and legal history. I am honored to have been invited to write something for him,” said Mirow who was invited by Professor Guzmán-Brito to research and to teach in Chile during Mirow’s Fulbright Visiting Professorship there in 2009.
The contribution is available here.