Shielding Humanity, a book edited by FIU Law Professor Charles C. Jalloh and Olufemi Elias (Queen Mary, University of London), has been announced as forthcoming by reputed international law publisher Martinus Nijhoff Brill. A group of distinguished international lawyers contributed to the volume in honor of Judge Abdul G. Koroma who served on the bench of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for 18 years. The United Nations created the ICJ, often referred to as the World Court, to settle disputes between states. Four current ICJ judges, including its current Vice President, and a number of other respected international law scholars and practitioners were among the 35 contributors. The papers covered contemporary as well as classical topics including law of the sea, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, regional integration and Africa’s contributions to international law.
Read the book’s abstract and list of contributors here.