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JustCite is an online legal platform that assists in finding leading authorities and establishes the current status of the law. It includes United Kingdom primary case law and legislation, European law including CELEX, the official legal database of the European Union, European and UK human rights cases and legislation, the Official Journal of the European Union C Series from 1999 to present; Caribbean law (Bermuda Judgments and Law Reports, the Cayman Islands Law Reports and Judgments, British Virgin Island civil and criminal court judgments, and Jamaican Court of Appeal and Supreme Court Judgments.  Justcite also cites to international al Commonwealth case law from Canada, public international law case reports, and Singapore law.


Enter any title, citation or subject term into the search box at the top of the page. JustCite will search across case law (going back to 1163), legislation (going back to 1235), EU law (going back to 1951), and journal articles (going back to 1986), and provides a record of practising barristers in England and Wales.

For more particular searching, click the Advanced search link next to the main search box. Advanced searching allows you to choose which document type you are looking for— cases, legislation, EU materials or articles—and gives you a selection of search boxes to restrict your search to specific sections of a document, e.g. Year, Court or Subject.Results

If your search returns more than one document, you will be taken to the results screen where documents are ordered by JustCite Ranking —an intelligent combination of factors designed to bring leading cases, relevant legislation and related articles to the top.

Results profiles on JustCite give you key information about a document, including title, year, subject matter, document type, jurisdiction and, where applicable, status.

On the left-hand side of the screen there are links to filter your results by document type and by jurisdiction, and an interactive text box to filter your results by the text appearing on the results profiles.

Document Information Screen

The JustCite information screen for a document is divided into different sections that vary depending on the type of document you are looking at.

A case, for example, will include sections for Overview & Citations, Cases Considered, Subsequent Cases, Legislation Considered and Articles.

Navigate between these sections by clicking the links on the left-hand side of the page.To return to the results screen click on the Back to search results link at the top of the page. Click on any title link on the page to change the focus of JustCite to that document.

Within Cases Considered and Subsequent Cases, the Citations in Context feature isolates the key paragraphs from judgments that discuss cases, removing the need to scan long full-text documents. Precedent Map

The Precedent Map is a visual representation of how cases are related to one another.

Cases on the left are cited by the central case, and cases on the right cite the central case.

Cases are ordered chronologically, in a clockwise direction. The oldest case cited appears in the lower left, and the most recent citing case appears in the lower right.

The colour of line denotes whether a case was treated positively (green), negatively (red) or neutrally (amber).

Hover over a case on the edge of the map to see which other cases on screen are connected to it. Click on any cases around the edge of the map to move them into the centre and view the map for that case. Linking to Other Services

To link to the full text of a document, simply click a citation on the right-hand side of the screen. If the full text is available, you will be presented with a drop-down list of the free and subscription services that provide the full text of the chosen document. Clicking on one of these links will take you directly to the full-text document on the selected service as long as you are a subscriber to that service.

You can customise which services you would like to see links for. In this way JustCite can be used as a way of managing all your subscriptions and as a single point of entry for your legal research.

My JustCite

My JustCite contains a list of all your recent activity, as well as saved searches and documents, saved full text links, and client usage information.

Click the date in the top right to specify which date or date range to view, and use the links on the left to filter the activity list by type—document, search or full text link—or by client code.

Documents can be printed, emailed and downloaded from the My JustCite area.

You can also change your settings to place a weighting in your results on a particular jurisdiction.

To access JustCite, please click here. No password is required.