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Documents Include:

  • House Reports
  • Senate Reports
  • House and Senate Documents
  • Senate Treaty Documents

 About the New Content

Recently, HeinOnline received a suggestion that House and Senate reports should be included in the U.S. Congressional Documents database. Previously, these were only available in HeinOnline if a compiled federal legislative history was available on the public law(s) to which the report applied. This led HeinOnline’s production team to the Government Publishing Office’s Federal Digital System (FDSYS), where congressional committee reports and other congressional documents are available. So far, more than 14,000 House and Senate reports have been added to HeinOnline, as well as nearly 3,000 congressional documents, which include House and Senate documents and Senate Treaty Documents. All content is now indexed and easy to find in HeinOnline’s user-friendly interface.

New Quick Finder Tools

In addition to adding the content, Quick Finder tools were built for each document type.

Inline Hyperlinks and Searching

As a result of this content addition, citations for these congressional reports and documents will now be hyperlinked throughout HeinOnline. Hyperlinked citations are highlighted in blue. For example, this Congressional Record Daily Edition page links to H. Rept. 111-491.

These documents will also now be easier to find using the main search bar from the HeinOnline welcome page. For instance, enter this same citation in quotation marks (“H. Rept. 111-491”) and the first search result will be the desired House Report.

Content Will Continue to Grow

Soon, all House and Senate reports which are currently located inside compiled federal legislative histories (but not already included in the batch from FDSYS) will be added. This will provide a central location from which to search and browse for these documents, which are excellent for determining legislative intent of public laws.

This collection currently contains 108,264 titles and more than 22.4 million pages and it will continue to grow as HeinOnline locates additional material, including hearings, committee reports, committee prints, CRS reports, and other congressional documents.

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