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You already know that PowerNotes is a great way to gather and organize research. But did you know it’s also equipped to help you get started on that first draft?

You probably categorized research by topic when you started researching. That way of organizing, however, may not be how your paper will flow.

Once you have an idea of how your paper will be structured, PowerNotes can help turn that topical outline into a structural one. Not only is a structural outline better for paper writing, but will also show you the areas you’re lacking info in and where there might be gaps in your argument.

So here’s the hack:

  1. Create structural topics: use the topics manager to create new structural topics below your current topics.
  2. Start moving passages: use the menu in the upper right of each content card to move content from old topics into the new structural topics to best support that section of your paper.
  3. Finish your research: reassess what you have and do more research to better support your paper.

Ready to start writing? Download your outline to Word to get started.

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