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Translated from the back cover: El Contenido Esencial Del Non Bis In Idem Y La Cosa Juzgada En El Nuevo Codigo Procesal Penal, which translates to The Essential Content of Non Bis In Idem and the Thing Judged in the New Criminal Procedure Code in English, by Fernando Vicente Nuñez Perez states:

Although our 1993 Constitution does not expressly and literally regulate the non bis in idem principle (implicit fundamental right), it should not be reduced or eliminated, therefore, its normative effectiveness and of direct application in the constitutional scope, unlike what can be said about the thing judged (explicit fundamental right) that is regulated in article 1390 subsections 2 and 13 of the Constitution. For this reason, our Maximum Interpreter of the Constitution has gradually recognized its existence, implicitly deducing it from other general and express principles.

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