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FIU Law’s Institute for Passionate Principled Advocacy (IPPA) recently welcomed famed trial attorney Roy Black for a CLE program that featured his compelling brand of cross examination techniques. As one the nation’s leading trial lawyers with more than four decades of experience, Black has handled several notable, high profile cases. His wealth of experience, both in and out of the courtroom, where invaluable to the intimate group of 30 attendees who were treated to his intense, personalized instruction on how to concretely improve their cross examination skills.

Prior to the program, Black provided attendees with a fact pattern that he created to use in a role playing activity. “Black’s presentation was part lecture, part performance and part psychodrama. He allowed each participant to cross examine him and then be placed in the witness chair and be cross examined by Black himself,” said Trial Advocacy Program Director H.T. Smith. “One of the attendees who traveled from New York exclaimed that ‘Roy Black’s cross examination was amazing!’”

On day two, attendees broke out into small groups where they delivered full cross examinations and were critiqued by FIU Law’s faculty of experienced trial advocates.

This was IPPA’s second CLE@FIU program. Back in July, participants worked on crafting opening statements and winning case theories and themes. This summer, CLE3@FIU will feature renowned trial lawyer Ervin Gonzalez and will focus on closing arguments.

FIU Law’s Trial Advocacy Program is directed by veteran trial lawyer and pioneering civil rights leader H.T. Smith and Assistant Director H. Scott Fingerhut.

For more information, contact 305.348.7541 or visit here.

PHOTO CAPTION:  FIU Law alumna Allison Leonard ’10 ‘crosses’ Roy Black.